Athens Georgia DUI Accident Lawyer
DUI & Drug Related Accidents
A drunk or drug-impaired driver endangers the lives of others and must be made accountable even if not convicted in criminal court. The victim of a car crash may be eligible to claim compensation from parties other than the driver.
Impaired Drivers Endanger Others
- Drunk Driver Accidents
- Drug Related Car Accidents
Driving under influence is a serious offense. Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs pose serious danger to the lives of others on the road. Such drivers must be made accountable.
The GA accident lawyers at The Burnside Law Firm experience in representing victims of DUI and Drug related accidents. We have an unmatched reputation in getting the victims of DUI and Drug related accidents the compensation they deserve.
Get the Compensation You Deserve – Make them Accountable
DUI and drug related accidents involve complex legal issues. If the driver was obviously intoxicated and served more alcohol by an establishment with a liquor license, that business can be held liable under “dram shop” laws for resulting injury or death to a third party. Likewise, if the driver was furnished alcohol or drugs at a private party, the homeowner may have personal liability under Georgia’s social host law. When an adult provides drugs or alcohol to a minor and that minor injures or kills someone, they too are liable for the consequences.
Contact us if a family member has been injured or killed by a drunk driver. From our offices in Athens GA, we represent victims of drunk driving throughout Georgia. Contact us for a free initial consultation. We will review your case and let you know if you are entitled to compensation. Call 1-800-569-1937.