Defective Children's Products
Has Your Child Been Injured by a Dangerous Product?
Contact the Georgia injury lawyers at The Burnside Law Firm . From our offices in Athens, GA we represent families throughout Georgia whose children have been injured by dangerous products.
When dealing with children’s products, manufacturers and everyone involved in the chain of commerce must be careful. A dangerous product can injure the child using the product or toy.
Serious Injuries
For years, dangerous children’s products have been causing serious injuries and even death. It can happen even in your own home, at school, at the playground, at the day care center or just about anywhere. Children have been injured by toys, cribs, car seats and booster seats, strollers, playpens, walkers, high chairs, changing tables, clothing, jewelry and even food. The authorities have failed to keep dangerous products off the market. It’s time for you to take a stand.
Not all attorneys can handle such cases. The attorneys at The Burnside Firm have the expertise and skills required to handle such cases successfully.
If your child has been injured by a dangerous product, contact us. We can help you get the compensation you deserve. From our offices in Athens, GA we represent families all over Georgia whose children have been injured by a dangerous product. Contact us online for a free initial consultation or call 1-800-569-1937.